Strategic Advisory

Deliver the vision and Purpose

Uncertainty is accelerating while the half-life of leadership positions and business models is shortening. Winning in this environment takes two things: strategic insights into how the world is likely to change—and the ability to create value from those insights before the game changes again.
The frequency and speed with which leadership positions change are increasing—and the performance gap between winners and losers is widening. To beat those trends, strategists must understand, compete across, and adapt to a much broader range of strategic environments, each requiring distinct approaches and capabilities.
We deliver the Strategy services through the following

Ensuring that the whole business portfolio is worth more than the sum of its parts takes a clear corporate vision, a consistent parenting approach, smart capital allocation, and a compelling investor story.

If corporate strategy is about determining the optimal allocation of capital across a portfolio of strategic business units, the role of business strategy is to deploy that capital to drive growth, generate value, and create sustainable competitive advantage—in other words, to put it to work in the business, in the most effective way possible. But determining the right business unit strategy is anything but straightforward, and the approach should be constantly refreshed. A business only prospers if it can satisfy the changing needs of its customers both more fully and more profitably than its competitors. Today, with digital disruption blurring industry boundaries and geopolitics challenging long-held assumptions, those needs are changing faster than ever. Adding to the complexity is the fact that different strategic environments call for different types of business strategies.

Our Approach:

Mission, vision, and Purpose

Understanding the client in terms of Who they are ? Where is their industry headed? And where do they want to be in five or ten years from now?

Corporate Portfolio

What is the overall logic of the customer business portfolio? And what are the roles and strategic priorities (generate cash, expand and grow, divest) of the business units it comprises?

Corporate growth strategy

What are the growth engines? Do they need to pursue new growth vectors? What are the key platforms that will realize the growth ambition?

Financial strategy

Do the customer have the right processes and policies to link strategy to value creation? Do they efficiently allocate capital—and is the balance between reinvestment in the business and payouts to investors optimal? Do they have the right investors and investor story?

➺ Based on these parameters, customized corporate strategy shall be designed and deployed.

Monitoring strategy

As a part of our SLA We monitor the client strategy for 3 years

Our Impact:

➺ Increase in Valuation of the organization

➺ Increase Shareholder Value

➺ Improve Competitive Position

Our Approach:

➺ Explore industry and competitor factors and key value drivers.

➺ Scenario analysis, which explores a limited set of future market scenarios based on the market analysis.

➺ Opportunity identification, which reveals innovative and attractive business opportunities in the future market.

➺ Internal analysis, which uncovers distinctive capabilities, market focus and positioning, and performance anatomy that can drive high performance.

➺ Strategy formulation, which provides strategic direction designed for the future, taking into account market opportunities, internal capabilities and future financial performance.

➺ Organizational alignment, which translates strategy into action, providing a high-level roadmap of the realization process.

➺ Financial modeling, which predicts future financial performance of a given strategic direction, including net present value and future shareholder value.

Monitoring Strategy

As a part of our SLA We monitor the client strategy for 3 years

Our Impact:

➺ Algin Purpose with Strategy

➺ Identifies the Strategic Priorities

➺ Deliver the Strategic Priorities

Project Client Impact to the organizaion
Customer Intimacy Strategy
FM- Total FM Service Provider in Dubai
Customer Transformation from A to O and O+ led to increase in revenue by 25%
Operational Excellence Strategy
FM- Total FM Service Provider in Dubai
Flexible Pricing led to increase in NP by 8%